Fuel Cut Off Valve Assembly

About this product

The Fuel Cut Off Valve Assembly (#77380-34010) is an essential component in the Fuel Tank & Tube system of Toyota vehicles. This vital auto part's main role is to stop the fuel flow in the event of a collision, reducing the risk of fire. In its standard operation, the valve remains open, allowing fuel flow from the tank to the engine. As a part of the Body category, using a genuine Fuel Cut Off Valve Assembly (#77380-34010) ensures optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Over time, the valve can become clogged or fail, impeding its ability to close swiftly during an accident. Therefore, it's necessary to replace this part periodically. If neglected, a non-functional valve could lead to dangerous fuel leaks after a collision. Toyota backs each genuine part, including the Fuel Cut Off Valve Assembly (#77380-34010), with their genuine parts warranty. By contributing to the safety and efficiency of the vehicle, this assembly is integral to the fuel system's overall operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 77380-34010

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