Fuel Tube Protector

About this product

The Fuel Tube Protector (#77266-47020) is a critical Engine-Fuel part in the Fuel Injection System. This component serves as a safeguard for the fuel tube, preventing damage from underbody impacts, heat, and other environmental hazards. Operating in harmony with other parts of the fuel system, it helps maintain the flow of fuel from the tank to the engine. Over time, this protector can wear and even break, making the fuel tube vulnerable. Using genuine Toyota parts, like our Fuel Tube Protector (#77266-47020), not only helps with vehicle compatibility but is also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. When this auto part is non-functional, it can expose the fuel tube to potential harm, affecting the overall performance of the Fuel Injection System. Thus, maintaining and replacing the Fuel Tube Protector (#77266-47020) as needed is vital to the system's effectiveness and safety.