Body Lower Back Panel

About this product

The Toyota Body Lower Back Panel (#58371-52140) is a crucial component within the Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel system. It primarily serves as a structural support for the back of the vehicle, providing stability and rigidity. The Body Lower Back Panel (#58371-52140) interacts directly with the chassis, floor pan, and other body parts, ensuring safe and efficient operation. As with any structural component, the Body Lower Back Panel (#58371-52140) may deteriorate over time due to wear and tear or environmental factors. This could lead to compromised vehicle integrity and safety. For this reason, periodic replacement or inspection is necessary. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Body Lower Back Panel (#58371-52140), offer optimal compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part significantly enhances overall vehicle efficiency and safety by maintaining the structural integrity of the vehicle's rear end.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58371-52140

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