Fuel Lid Switch Cap

About this product

The Fuel Lid Switch Cap (#77331-47010), a crucial Toyota Autoparts Body part in the Fuel Tank & Tube system, primarily controls access to the vehicle's fuel tank. It functions as a safety mechanism that effectively locks or unlocks the fuel lid based on the driver's input, protecting the fuel from theft or contamination. The Fuel Lid Switch Cap (#77331-47010)’s performance diminishes with age and use, necessitating its periodic replacement. An old, broken, or non-functioning Switch Cap can present security risks and a potential for fuel contamination. As a genuine part, Toyota's Fuel Lid Switch Cap (#77331-47010) is designed for vehicle compatibility, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Its proper functionality contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the fuel system. Besides, it helps maintain the reliability and longevity of your Toyota vehicle.